Join the Faith Creatives Writers, Directors & Filmmakers Directory

The Faith Creatives Writers, Directors & Filmmakers Directory is the only directory in the UK of it’s kind! Stand out as a community of creative creators who acknowledge the original Creator and desire to work with the skills blessed by Him to walk in purpose and spread the light of truth wherever you go!

Benefits of subscribing to the Writers/Directors/Filmmakers Directory

  • Job request details sent directly to your inbox

  • Employers, production companies, producers or other creatives working on projects can contact you directly for your skills

  • Those looking for faith-based experts can easily find you

  • Actors wanting to work with you can check out your previous work

  • Your own dedicated page with photos, videos and CV! It’s like having your own website! (*Premium Subscription only)

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE DIRECTORY Please complete the form below

(UK based creatives only)


*For those selecting the Premium option, when we receive your completed form, we’ll email you further instructions for you to send all of your photos, videos, CV, links etc for your profile page.